Minor in Crime Analysis and Digital Investigations

About the Minor

The minor in Crime Analysis and Digital Investigations is a course of study that focuses on the analytics of crime and data-driven investigations. It recognizes the importance of “big” data when it comes to the commission, detection, and prevention of crime and the identification of those responsible for criminal acts. Students completing the minor will be ideally suited to meet the demands of the growing job market for crime, fraud, and security analysts among criminal justice, defense, and intelligence agencies and in the private-sector security community. Students seeking careers in public policy and regulatory affairs will also benefit from the minor in Crime Analytics and Computer Crime, as they will become proficient with tools that allow for evidence-based solutions to issues surrounding crime, security, and community safety.

All prospective students should meet with an advisor from the College as soon as possible.

Program Requirements
Core Requirements
CJS 270Crime Analysis Using Open Data3.0
CJS 276Introduction to Computer Crime3.0
CJS 310Crime Prediction Using Open Data3.0
CJS 330Crime Mapping I Using Geographic Information Systems4.0
CJS 365Computer Investigations and the Law3.0
CJS 405Data-Driven Investigations and Crime3.0
Elective Requirements
Students must take any two of the following courses:6.0-7.0
Seminar in Justice Informatics
Electronic Fraud Investigations
Surveillance, Technology, and the Law
Sex, Violence, & Crime on the Internet
Crime Mapping II Using Geographic Information Systems
Total Credits25.0-26.0